Python Node.js


Welcome to the bitexbit API docs!

Service provides open API for trading operations and broadcasting of all trading events.

Web Sockets API

Currently Web Socket API can be used for getting the freshest info about lats trades, new and cancelled orders as well. Such as using socket connection reduce network overhead it's preferable way to get latest exchange rate and orderbook.

API built on latest version of library for Node.js. So it should be easy to get work with.

Orderbook events

There are two types of order book notification messages In case new order was created, you'll get information about order, what amount remained after operation and list of trades created after that order.

  "success": true,
  "date": 1485686507.0944622, 
  "oid": 15234,
  "type": "sell", 
  "price": 935.23, 
  "amount": 0.0, 
  "trades": [
      "tid": 14876, 
      "type": "buy",
      "price": "936.00", 
      "amount": "0.1", 
      "o_id": 15201

When order was cancelled by owner

  "success": true,
  "date": 1485686413.5688234,
  "oid": 15235,
  "cancel_order_id": 4535,
  "price": 935.23, 
  "type": "sell", 
  "amount": 0.0123,
  "pair": "BTC_USD",
  "cancelled": true

All you need to start receiving live information about orderbook is connect to wss:// and subscribe to necessary channel.

There are chanel names have pattern book_<pair_name> where <pair_name> is any pair available in service. For example book_BTC_USD or book_BTC_ETH.


HTTP API endpoint available on

Some methods requires authorization read below.

All HTTP methods accept JSON formats of requests and responses if it not specified by headers.


To generate auth headers, use this code:

import hmac
from time import time
from urllib.parse import urlencode

def get_auth_headers(self, data):
        msg = 'your key' + urlencode(sorted(data.items(), key=lambda val: val[0]))

        sign ='your keys secret'.encode(), msg.encode(), digestmod='sha256').hexdigest()

        return {
            'X-KEY': 'your key',
            'X-SIGN': sign,
            'X-NONCE': str(int(time() * 1000)),
const hmacSha256 = require('crypto-js/hmac-sha256'); // sha256 hash. or use you favorite u like
const request = require('request'); // for http requests. or use you favorite u like

const BASE_URL = '';
const API_KEY = '0000-0000...';
const SECRET = 'Z%2........';

//Serialize for singing only. Can be used in request body if u like urlencoded form format instead of json
function serializePayload(payload) {
  return Object
    .keys(payload) // get keys of payload object
    .sort() // sort keys
    .map((key) => key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(payload[key])) // each value should be url encoded. the most sensitive part for sign checking
    .join('&'); // to sting, separate with ampersand

// Generates auth headers
function getAuthHeaders(payload) {
  // get SHA256 of <API_KEY><sorted urlencoded payload string><SECRET>
  const sign = hmacSha256(API_KEY + serializePayload(payload), SECRET).toString();

  return {
    'X-KEY': API_KEY,
    'X-SIGN': sign,

function getWallets(callback) {
  payload = {};

  const options = {
    method: 'get',
    url: `${BASE_URL}/wallets/`,
    headers: getAuthHeaders(payload)

  request(options, callback);

function createOrder(order, callback) {
  const options = {
    method: 'post',
    url: `${BASE_URL}/order/`,
    headers: getAuthHeaders(order),
    form: order, // API accepts urlencoded form or json. Use appropriate headers!

  request(options, callback);

// test
getWallets((error, response, body) => {
  console.log('error', error);
  console.log('body', body);

const order = {
  type: 'buy',
  pair: 'BTC_USD',
  amount: '0.0001',
  price: '0.1'

createOrder(order, (error, response, body) => {
  // get json, etc
  console.log('error', error);
  console.log('body', body);

In order for access to private API methods, generate authorization keys in profile settings.

All request to these methods must contain the following headers:


Read more about API v2 here

HTTP API Gateway

Read more about API Gateway here

Success responses

Code Meaning
200 Returns is response is success. Body of response usually contains object that affected.


We are using standard HTTP statuses in responses.

Error Code Meaning
400 If response has http status 400 that means that client should change some input parameters to make it success. What exactly wrong returned in response body.
401 In case when HTTP endpoint require authentication but provided authentication headers not valid - response with status 401 will be returned and the details in body.
403 You do not have access to do the operation. For example when you try to cancel orders that was created by other user.
429 We have different rate limits to call API methods. If you reached this - response with status 429 will be returned.
500 Nobody is safe to make mistakes. This is the case when error happened on serer side. No details but we are see it.
502 Looks like we under high load. Try your request later.


List all currencies

import requests

response = requests.get('')
var request = require('request');

request.get('', function (error, response, body) {
    // process response    

Sample output

    "sign": "Ƀ", 
    "short_name": "BTC"
    "sign": "Ξ", 
    "short_name": "ETH"

Returns information about all available currencies.

HTTP Request



List all pairs

import requests

response = requests.get('')
var request = require('request');

request.get('', function (error, response, body) {
    // process response    

Sample output

    "currency2": "USD", 
    "maximum_order_size": 100000000.00000000, 
    "minimum_order_size": 0.00000001,
    "currency1": "BTC", 
    "name": "BTC_USD", 
    "price_precision": 3

Returns information about all available pairs.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
currency1 all Filter by first currency.
currency2 all Filter by second currency.


List own wallets

import requests

response = requests.get('', headers = get_auth_headers({}))
var request = require('request');

        headers: getAuthHeaders({})
    function (error, response, body) {
        // process response    

Sample output

    "currency": "BTC", 
    "balance": 0.00000000, 
    "reserve": 0.00000000

Returns information about all wallets of account.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
currency_id all Filter by currency.


Order statuses

Value Status name Description
1 Active Order in queue for executing
2 Canceled Order not active, permanently
3 Done Order fully executed

Get orderbook

import requests

params = { 
    limit_bids: 1,
    limit_asks: 1,

response = requests.get('', params=params)
var request = require('request');

var url = '';

var params = {
    limit_bids: 1,
    limit_asks: 1

request.get({url: url, qs: params}, function (error, response, body) {
        // process response    

Sample output when grouping disabled

  "sell": [
      "price": 911.519, 
      "id": 44667, 
      "amount": 0.000446, 
      "timestamp": 1485777324.410015
  "buy": [
      "price": 911.122, 
      "id": 44647, 
      "amount": 0.001233, 
      "timestamp": 1485777124.415542

Sample output when grouping enabled

  "sell": [
      "price": 911.519, 
      "amount": 0.000446 
  "buy": [
      "price": 911.122, 
      "amount": 0.001233 

Get full orderbook of active orders

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
limit_sell all Sell orders limit
limit_buy all Buy orders limit
group 0 If set 1, then order will grouped by price

List own orders

import requests

response = requests.get('', headers = get_auth_headers({}))
var request = require('request');

request.get('', {headers: getAuthHeaders({})}, function (error, response, body) {
    // process response    

Sample output

    "amount": 0.500000000, 
    "pair": "ETH_USD", 
    "type": "buy", 
    "status": 3, 
    "price": 0.00113000,
    "id": 11249

List all orders created in your account. Can be filtered by query parameters.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
type all Filter by orders type (sell or buy).
pair none Filter by pair.
status all Filter by status.
limit 2000 Limiting results.

Retrieve single order

import requests

oid = 53189

response = requests.get('{}/'.format(oid))
var request = require('request');

var oid = 53189;

request.get('' + oid + '/', function (error, response, body) {
    // process response    

Sample output

  "amount": 0.1250000,
  "pair": "BTC_USD",
  "type": "buy",
  "status": "1",
  "price": 870.69000000, 
  "id": 11259

Get detailed information about order by its id

HTTP Request


Create order

import requests

order = {
    type: 'buy',
    pair: 'BTC_USD',
    amount: '1.0',
    price: '870.69'

response ='', data = order, headers = get_auth_headers(order))
var request = require('request');

var order = {
    type: 'buy',
    pair: 'BTC_USD',
    amount: '1.0',
    price: '870.69'    
                url: '',
                form: order,
                headers: getAuthHeaders(order)
            }, function (error, response, body) {
                // process response
                // save order id, check if it's executed

Sample output

  "success": true,
  "type": "buy", 
  "date": 1483721079.51632, 
  "oid": 11268, 
  "price": 870.69000000, 
  "amount": 0.00000000,
  "trades": [
      "type": "sell", 
      "price": 870.69000000, 
      "o_id": 11266, 
      "amount": 0.00010000, 
      "tid": 6049

Create new order that will be automatically executed.

HTTP Request


POST params

Parameter Description
type Type of order (sell or buy).
pair Pair of order
amount Amount of first currency of pair.
price Price of order. This param have limited precision (See pairs).

Cancel order

import requests

data = {
    order: 63568

response ='', data = data, headers = get_auth_headers(data))
var request = require('request');

var data = {
    order: 63568
        url: '',
        form: data,
        headers: getAuthHeaders(data)
    }, function (error, response, body) {
        // process response    

Sample output

  "order": 63568

Cancel your active order. If order not exists, it's done or cancelled error message will be returned.

HTTP Request


POST params

Parameter Description
order ID of order to cancel


List all exchanges

import requests

response = requests.get('')
var request = require('request');

request.get('', function (error, response, body) {
    // process response    

Sample output

    "id": 6030, 
    "price": 839.36000000, 
    "pair": "BTC_USD", 
    "type": "sell", 
    "timestamp": 1483705817.735508,
    "amount": 0.00281167

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
pair all Filter by pair.
limit 100 Limiting results.
offset 0 Skip number of records.
ordering -id Ordering parameter. id - ascending sorting, -id - descending sorting.

List own exchanges

List only own exchanges where your account was buyer or seller.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
type all Filter by orders type (sell or buy).
pair all Filter by pair.
limit 100 Limiting results.
offset 0 Skip number of records.
ordering -id Ordering parameter. id - ascending sorting, -id - descending sorting.


List own deposits

import requests

response = requests.get('', headers = get_auth_headers({}))
var request = require('request');

                url: '',
                headers: getAuthHeaders({})
            }, function (error, response, body) {
                // process response    
    "timestamp": 1485363039.18359, 
    "id": 317, 
    "currency": "BTC", 
    "amount": 530.00000000

List your deposits

HTTP Request



Withdraw statuses

Value Status name Description
10 New Withdraw created, verification need
20 Verified Withdraw verified, waiting for approving
30 Approved Approved by moderator
40 Refused Refused by moderator. See your email for more details
50 Canceled Cancelled by user

List own made withdraws

import requests

response = requests.get('', headers: get_auth_headers({}))
var request = require('request');

        url: '',
        headers: getAuthHeaders({})
    }, function (error, response, body) {
        // process response    

Sample output

    "id": 403, 
    "timestamp": 1485363466.868539, 
    "currency": "BTC", 
    "amount": 0.53000000, 
    "status": 20

Get list of your withdraws

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
currency_id all Filter currency.
status all Filter by status.


import requests

params = {
    'limit': 1

response = requests.get('', params = params)
var request = require('request');

var params = {limit: 1};

                url: '',
                qs: params
            }, function (error, response, body) {
                // process response    

Sample output

    "volume": 0.262929, 
    "high": 912.236, 
    "low": 910.086, 
    "close": 911.915, 
    "time": 1485777600, 
    "open": 910.424

Chart types

Type value Type name
1 1 minute
5 5 minutes
15 15 minutes
30 30 minutes
60 1 hour
240 4 hours
D 1 day

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
limit 720 Limiting results
since None Since Timestamp
until None Until Timestamp